Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Uploads Disturbing Video For Bray Wyatt

The WWE Hall of Famer makes several sexual remarks, and even holds up a condom.

By Jack G King /

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts has uploaded a very unusual video, seemingly cutting a promo on WWE superstar Bray Wyatt. The WWE Hall of Famer makes several sexually suggestive remarks, addressing Wyatt as "Bray baby" and holding up a "garlic-flavoured" condom. He also pulls his false teeth out towards the end of the clip, asks to perform a sex act on Wyatt, and appears to sign off with the bizarre phrase "merry syphilis, happy gonorrhoea". The purpose of the video is unknown, and the original was taken down from YouTube within minutes of first being uploaded, although another copy has found its way onto Vimeo. Roberts has spoken out in the past about how big a fan he is of Wyatt's work, even stating that the superstar's promos remind him a lot of himself. It is possible that he's attempting to start some sort of angle with Bray, although the fact that the original video was taken down so quickly seems to suggest otherwise. Roberts has a well-documented history of health problems, including drug and alcohol addiction, and this bizarre behaviour will certainly come as a worry for fans of the Hall of Famer. However, he appears to be sober in the video, speaking clearly and slurring no words. https://vimeo.com/148543582