Janel Grant Allegedly Coerced Into Writing A "Love Letter" To Vince McMahon

The disgraced former WWE Chairman allegedly coerced Janel Grant to write him a "love letter".

By Andrew Pollard /


Content warning; discussion of alleged sexual assault


With Janel Grant having accused Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, The New York Post has obtained access to a "love letter" Ms. Grant wrote to McMahon.

This letter - which was sent by email on 24 December 2021 and can be viewed in full at The Post's website - states how Janel was "in love with a capital L" and that McMahon was "my best friend, my love and my everything".


This 2,200-word email was the 24th draft of this correspondence, was taken from Ms. Grant's laptop as part of an investigation on behalf of the WWE Board by Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, and is expected to be used in court filings.

In one part of this letter, Ms. Grant writes:

"Even though so few people know about us, the most freeing feeling this year came when we got to act like a couple - openly, freely - when Mickey, Paul and the Chef were around us. We've never had that luxury before. What a treat that was - as so natural - to be us outside of our secret bubble, even if only for a short moment. We must make quite the pair in person, huh?"

There's no further details on who "Mickey, Paul and the Chef" are.

On the other side of this, Janel Grant's lawyer Ann Callis claims that this email was yet another example of Vince McMahon's coercive behaviour.


As Callis stated to The New York Post:

“Frankly it’s pretty disgusting that Vince’s weeks-late attempt to defend his horrendous behavior — behavior he claims to this day never happened — is to try to showcase letters that Vince himself coerced her to write.

His psychological torture of her continues — as is typical of abusive predators who respond to women speaking out with increased threats. While Janel isn’t a stranger to his intimidation tactics, this is a new low even for him.”

A representative for Janel Grant also told The Post that Ms. Grant had surgery on her pointer finger on 21 December 2021, three days before the email was sent to Vince McMahon. The outlet has access to a text conversation between Ms. Grant and McMahon, where a concerned Janel said, "How will I write your letter? I can type and read it... or try to write in a couple days. I'm so sorry if I mess this up, I want you have to have a nice letter."

Additionally, this representative noted how Ms. Grant pulled text directly from existing material - such as 1947 movie The Bishop's Wife and a GQ interview with Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly - to pad out her letters of affection for McMahon.


Again, for further details - including the full four-page email from Janel Grant to Vince McMahon - you can visit The New York Post.