Jay Lethal Recalls Vince Russo's Cancelled "Creepy" TNA Segment

TNA didn't go through with Vince Russo's vision. Jay Lethal is glad of that...

By Jamie Kennedy /

TNA/Impact Wrestling

Jay Lethal opened up about a cancelled TNA segment during an interview with GAW TV on YouTube.


According to the former Impact man and current ROH star, the planned skit was all part of Vince Russo's bold vision for Lethal's feud with Sonjay Dutt. So Cal Val was also involved in the storyline, and the angle called for former friends to war over her affections.

Dutt started a "Set Val Free Fund" that played out over several weeks of TV, but that's when things almost got pretty weird. Apparently, Russo wanted to script a backstage promo during which children would randomly massage Sonjay's feet.


Nobody quite knew why, or how this was supposed to sell an eventual grudge match between both men, but Russo (presumably) had his reasons. The problem is that he wasn't very forthcoming with them when Dutt raised some concerns.

He and Lethal found the whole thing "creepy", and Sonjay said that he'd rather have his shoes on during any skits. Russo, determined to make his vision a reality, said that Dutt had to be barefoot so that the kids could literally massage between his toes.

