John Cena Cleared For WWE Return?

Cena arrives in Dallas... will he make his presence known at WrestleMania?

By Ryan Droste /

The timeline for John Cena€™s return to wrestling has remained a question mark ever since he underwent rotator cuff surgery in January.


While the recovery and rehab process from the procedure that Cena underwent is usually six to nine months, Cenahas often shown an ability to come back from injury much quicker than the average athlete.

Just last week, rumours spread from apparent WWEsourcesthat the company wereexpectingCena to return early this Summer.


However, in an intriguing twist of events, Cena has revealed in arecent interview with that hehas actually alreadybeen medically cleared to return.

Regarding his rehabilitation, John elaborated:


€œIf you ask me today, I should€™ve been back two weeks ago. I€™ve logged almost 400 hours of physical therapy. I got 111 visits in twelve weeks time. I go every single second I can. People say I have a Wolverine-like style of recovery. I was given a nine month quota to come back and after three months I can tell you that I am ready to do anything asked of me possible. It€™s a matter of when they call me.€

John Cena is in Dallas this weekend for WrestleMania, and most expect him to make some kind of appearance during the show.
