Kane: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

By Matthew Fisher /

Kane is one of the most respected and beloved superstars in the entire WWE. His body of work that began in 1997, through his most recent run as Corporate Kane, is absolutely stellar. No matter what material he's given to work with, Glenn Jacobs is truly a man of devotion. Absurd gimmicks and story lines, even a few encounters with the infamous Katie Vick, Kane remains popular with fans no matter what. His whole persona seems to be similar to the Undertaker's, in that he is able to constantly re-invent the character into whatever the audience is feeling at the time. With the mask or without it, Kane can always sense what it is that the crowd needs from him at that moment. And for a man his size, what he can do in the ring is incredible. He's got the look of a monster, but the agility of a high-flyer. With all the years he's put in, it stands to reason that he's participated in some great matches. As a former world champion, Kane's been in some immensely high-profile feuds with men like Steve Austin, Triple H, Chris Jericho and countless more. With a career as long as his, it's also obvious that he's been involved in some duds. And thanks to the WWE Network, you can see all of these matches anytime you wish. Although you may not want to see some of them. So let's get to it, with 5 great Kane matches and 5 pretty awful Kane matches. May as well start with the good stuff.