Kevin Owens' Wife Filmed His WWE Raw Promo This Week

"This is my favorite promo ever because it was shot by my favorite person!"

By Benjamin Richardson /


Kevin Owens delivered an intimate promo from a parking garage on the post-WrestleMania 36 episode of Raw, in which he reflected on his WWE career and recent battles with Seth Rollins. He said that all the strife of his recent travails against The Savior were worth it, and that now it's time to move on to "bigger and better things".


It was a tidy promo for what it was, though by no means one of the greatest of all time - except to the man delivering it. KO took to Twitter after Raw aired, noting that this was his "favourite promo ever".

Why? "Because it was shot by my favourite person. It was my wife!"


Owens said that his spouse Karina caught the action with her "fancy new camera". He didn't say why it was in a parking lot, mind.
