Lacey Evans Reveals Why She REALLY Left WWE

Here's why Lacey Evans decided enough was enough on her road with WWE.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Lacey Evans Heel

Now-former WWE star Lacey Evans has lifted the lid on exactly why she decided to walk through the market leader's exit gates.


Evans told The Island News that she's truly grateful for her time in the company, but that being away from home so much took a toll on her. Being on the road also took precious time away from working on a community outreach program with her husband and daughters.


So, what's next? Evans plans to open a cafe that's a safe space for those looking to "normalise mental health issues" and "follow their goals and aspirations". This noble project will hopefully link up with organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous to provide extra support for those who need it.

Lacey also wants to reward people who agree to "unplug" - if they put phones and other devices behind the counter, then they'll be treated to a free doughnut. This is all part of Evans' plan to gently encourage conversation and make people feel good about themselves again.


In a classy moment, Lacey summed her WWE departure up by saying: "I thought I could be of more assistance fighting a different fight than in the WWE ring".