Legend Claims Backstage "Politics" Cost Him Chance To Be WWE Champion

Did burned bridges and backstage politicking cost this ex-WWE wrestler?

By Jamie Kennedy /


What about Raven?!


The former WWE star ranted to fans during a recent K&S Wrestlefest signing about how backstage politicking (he didn't say by who) cost him the chance to become World Champion in the company during his run between 2000-2003. That and some "burned bridges" conspired to stop Raven from bagging the big one.

There were rumours in late-2001/early-2002 that Raven would be launching a new character and feuding opposite The Undertaker, but that didn't end up happening. Instead, the ex-ECW favourite continued treading water on the lower midcard before being released in January '03.


He'd later show up in TNA, and was recently inducted into the IMPACT Hall Of Fame. Raven had a stellar career in ECW, WCW, WWE and TNA, but he still bemoans the politics that prevented him going further under Vince McMahon's watch.

It'd be fun to find out exactly who campaigned against Raven as champ. There's a chance that McMahon just didn't see him as a main event-level star though - the old WWE boss reportedly (according to legend) had a bad taste in his mouth due to Raven's prior run in the early-90s as Johnny Polo.
