Major Update On Kevin Owens' WWE Return

Here's when you can expect Kevin Owens back on WWE television.

By Scott Carlson /

Take this with the usual grain of salt that comes with WWE's typical "plans change," but Kevin Owens is expected back on Raw this Monday night, which would be his first appearance on WWE programming in four weeks.


Fightful Select reports that as of Sunday night, the KO Show was planned for Raw, though Owens himself has not been advertised as appearing on the show. Of course, what's planned or booked days - or even hours - before Raw goes on the air is no guarantee that it will come to fruition.

Owens was last seen on Raw on June 20, when it was announced that he would face Ezekiel or his "brother" Elias - or their younger brother Elrod - on the June 27 episode of Raw in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. That match never took place, as KO apparently was not medically cleared to compete. He hasn't appeared on Raw since.


KO did show up during the NHL draft a couple of weeks later, having a jovial back-and-forth with Vancouver Canucks head coach Bruce Boudreau, who is a huge WWE fan. During that encounter, Owens mentioned that he is not medically cleared to compete but expected to be back on TV in "a couple weeks."

Owens has had quite the year so far, engaging in a war of words with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin that led to his first match in 19 years at WrestleMania 38, and then he began a surprisingly entertaining rivalry with Ezekiel, trying to prove that the newcomer really is Elias, not his younger brother.
