Monday's Controversial WWE Raw Ending Was Almost Removed?

WWE officials originally convinced Vince to pull angle before Raw aired?

By Matt Holmes /

This week's controversial ending to Raw was actually nixed by WWE officials before the broadcast, before then being re-inserted back into the script, according to PWInsider also reports that the angle was the main subject of discussion throughout Monday with many WWE officials being vehemently against the plans that called for Paige to bring up Charlotte's late brother Reid Flair to heat up a storyline. The origins of the angle reportedly came from Charlotte's reveal to WWE creative recently that she felt her whole career was a tribute to Reid.

The WWE Divas Champion was said to be aware of the planned angle well before it aired and she was able to give feedback on how she thought it should play out and whilst not exactly in support of the idea, she wasn't forced into going ahead with it and was involved in how the dialogue played out so she might elicit some babyface sympathy from fans against Paige. PWInsider reports that much of the angle was chopped and changed throughout Monday, with much of it dropped completely. As with everything Raw related, Vince McMahon had the final call and decided to go ahead with the angle, despite many WWE officials coming to him to voice their negative onion on it.
