New WWE Raw Star Says She Can "Still Show Up" On SmackDown Post-Draft

Did this wrestler just dump all over the entire purpose of WWE's latest Draft?

By Jamie Kennedy /

Natalya has told 'The Archive Of B-Sox' show she can "still show up" on episodes of SmackDown despite being moved to Raw in the recent 2023 WWE Draft.


The Canadian was one of the post-show supplemental picks following WWE's opening Draft night on last week's SmackDown. In theory, this means Nattie would be locked to Monday nights for the foreseeable future, but...she says that isn't necessarily the case.


Most fans will be wondering what the point of drafting her in the first place was then.

Natalya described this as "the cool part about being in WWE". She went on to say this: "You’re drafted to a certain brand, but if the storyline calls for it, you can show up on another show. It’s cool!". Hmm, surely the Draft's purpose is to make sure wrestlers can't float between brands willy nilly (unless they're one of the "free agents", of course).


New Raw star Nattie wasn't named as a "free agent" in the latest Draft, so she shouldn't have powers to show up on SmackDown whenever she likes. Her statement totally undermined the concept's importance to the product.