NXT Wrestlers Frustrated At Lack Of Main WWE Roster Opportunities

There's discord on both sides of WWE and NXT.

By Grahame Herbert /

NXT wrestlers are frustrated that they aren't getting a chance on the main WWE roster, reports Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Part of the frustration is that the main roster is where the good money is at. The irony is that the main roster is frustrated at the level of wrestling opportunity in NXT. The NXT wrestlers get to put on lengthy matches that are filled with spots, but at the end of the day they'e getting low pay and in some cases seeing their prime years wasted on a small show. One such NXT wrestler who is likely to be frustrated is Finn Balor. He's 34 this summer and is far from a rookie. He's had years in major promotions like New Japan. It was thought that part of Balor's signing with WWE was the provision that he wouldn't be in NXT too long. He absolutely sees himself on the main roster within the next year. If that opportunity doesn't come up soon, then he's likely to become even more frustrated. There's already been insider reports, from WWE insider reddit user MetsFan4Ever, that Balor has an attitude on him at WWE's Performance Centre. In a surprise move, WWE's Brie Bella commented on the frustration from her side on the main roster. She said the following at the Indianapolis Comic-Con -
€œIf I was in NXT, I would not wanna come up to the main roster, because you get so much time down there. If you come to the live events, you€™ll see we get a lot of time at the live events. When it comes to TV, we get so frustrated because it€™s hard to tell a story in 3 minutes, and especially when they want an entrance. We want time to wrestle. Especially after watching NXT Rival pay-per-view and seeing them go 20 minutes. It€™s like a dream. It€™ s something we€™d love and we€™re trying so hard to get more time. There€™s a three hour Raw and you can€™t give more time to the Divas? But hopefully, in the future.€
Let's get real here, though. If you had the choice between a thirty minute match with less money and exposure, or a three minute match with great money and exposure, what side of the equation would you want to be on?