Orange Cassidy To Still Have Title Eliminator Match On Tonight's AEW Dynamite

Freshly Squeezed to face a mystery opponent later tonight.

By Andrew Pollard /


Initially due to face Jon Moxley in the semi-finals of the AEW World Title Eliminator tournament, Orange Cassidy will still have a semi-final bout on tonight's episode of AEW Dynamite.


Earlier today it was revealed how Moxley is entering an inpatient alcohol treatment program, meaning the former AEW World Champion will obviously be absent from AEW action for the foreseeable future. While wrestling very much takes a backseat in the bigger picture here, some had pondered where this leaves Cassidy.

As announced by AEW on Twitter, Freshly Squeezed will still be in semi-finals action tonight - although his opponent has yet to be revealed.


Just taking a quick look at Twitter, speculation is rampant that Miro may ultimately end up facing Orange tonight - which, if it ends up happening, could be an inspired choice to replace Mox.


Of course, OC bested Powerhouse Hobbs to qualify for a semi-final spot, with Moxley having defeated Preston Vance of The Dark Order to set up the Cassidy contest. As such, it could maybe even be that AEW goes back to Vance to fill in for Mox.

Elsewhere, tonight's AEW Dynamite will also see Andrade El Idolo vs. Cody Rhodes, FTR have issued an open challenge for their AAA World Tag Team Championships, and Jamie Hayter faces Anna Jay in a TBS Title tourney match where the winner will go onto face Thunder Rosa in the quarter-finals of that tournament.
