Randy Orton Buys A Plane!


By Gareth Morgan /


According to his Instagram account, former WWE Champion Randy Orton has purchased a new plane. Yet, it's the 'Apex Predator's choice of hashtags which seem to have stolen the spotlight.


Orton hasn't been shy about using social media to say how he feels over the years. He's teased a move to AEW, boasted about signing new contracts and even used it to poke at the infamous WWE 2K19 video game. That's just what the 'Viper' likes to do.

However, his most recent Instagram post has got people talking again for a number reasons.


Firstly, Orton appeared to be boasting about the purchase of a brand new plane, which he confirmed in the most typically Orton way ever by saying 'Fucked around bought a plane.' Yet, it was the hashtags that followed which caused people to double take the post.

Orton posted, '#greatest #wrestling #match #ever #whatarib #hatebutidontblameyou'.


This seems to suggest that 'The Viper' is a touch embarrassed by WWE's recent marketing for his upcoming rematch with the recently returning Edge. Orton is probably too long in the tooth to care about the company coming down on him for such a remark, but it still isn't the best look for the company if one of their top stars is openly mocking their build up.
