Released NXT Superstars Comment About WWE Exit

Several released NXT superstars sound off on their cut this week.

By Sean Ross Sapp /

The WWE budget cuts reportedly affected all departments and divisions this week, and the talent pool was no exception. Vince McMahon sent out a company-wide e-mail this week, stating that the round of layoffs was complete, but several NXT stars weren't fortunate enough to stick around and see that e-mail. Slate Randall, Travis Tyler, Garrett Dylan, Mac Miles, and Dani Jackson were all released from their NXT deals this week, as the company was in cost-cutting mode. Now, those former NXT stars have sounded off on their releases via social media. Sam Udell, who portrayed Travis Tyler tweeted €œI was probably the first guy to get fired while wearing a pink fanny pack in some time. I learned a lot and am thankful for the experience.€ After tweeting the day prior that she was €œliving the dream,€ Dani Jackson said €œIt€™s always about being optimistic!!!€ Jackson was released from her WWE developmental deal without ever having appeared at a live event or the NXT television program. Jody €œGarrett Dylan€ Kristofferson, son of country music star Kris Krostofferson said €œLooks like I couldn€™t cut it. It hurts, but I have no one to blame. Thanks #NXT, It was a dream lifestyle. Loved it.€