Renee Young Confirms She's Dating Dean Ambrose

Lunatic Fringe is loved up.

By Grahame Herbert /

Renee Young has confirmed that she's dating Dean Ambrose. The popular WWE personality was speaking with The Gorilla Position Podcast, when she stated that internet rumours were indeed true. Fans have speculated for months that Renee and Dean Ambrose were a couple. €œIt€™s true, yes," she revealed,€œI can€™t give away too much, because we are very private about our relationship because we respect it. We don€™t need people knowing about it or caring what we€™re doing €“ I€™m not going to post pictures of us on the internet€ but people berate me no matter what I post on the internet." €œ€˜Tell us about Dean, we hate you!€™€ Renee acknowledging the long standing rumours will now hopefully stop all the speculation. It really isn't that much of a big deal for two people to form a relationship when they spend so much time on the road together. They've been an item for quite a while now and live together in New York City. You can understand why they've been private about their personal lives. Ambrose plays a Lunatic Fringe character and it isn't really in fitting with his character to be in a settled relationship. He's keeping kayfabe and being old school by separating his personal life from his character life. Renee meanwhile is making a serious long term career for herself in WWE. She excels as a backstage interviewer, and is also learning the craft of commentary in NXT. In the long term, she could very well end up being the first ever female commentator on Monday Night Raw. The sky is the limit for the two 29 year olds. Their relationship will hopefully grow alongside their burgeoning WWE careers.