Renee Young Defends Herself From WWE Twitter Trolls

Young's Raw commentary came in for heavy criticism over the weekend.

By Andy H Murray /

As the third person in WWE's Raw announce booth, Renee Young has come in for considerable criticism since taking her new role in the company despite her obvious skills in other broadcast roles.


This weekend saw Young become embroiled in a Twitter exchange with several internet trolls. It began with this response to a critique:-


If we're going to criticise Seth Rollins for bragging about his bank balance to Will Ospreay, we have to do the same here. An unideal response from Young, as pointed out by Twitter user @DaHTrain24, though Renee's next response was a lot more measured:-


A tremendous reply from someone who almost certainly has to handle ridiculous amounts of abuse every day.

In fairness to Renee, being a WWE commentator sounds like a nightmare position, with Vince McMahon screaming pre-prepared lines into their headsets all show long. On top of this, while some of the criticisms thrown at her performances are fair, the way they're often expressed probably makes them hard to rise above. Fortunately, she ended up diffusing the situation with class.


A number of wrestling personalities including Seth Rollins, Mick Foley, and Kurt Angle have since jumped to Young's defence.