Ric Flair Says THIS Wrestler Is WWE's "New Mick Foley"

WWE legend Mick Foley has been reincarnated, says fellow Hall Of Famer Ric Flair.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Ric Flair has described none other than Kevin Owens as the "new Mick Foley" in WWE circles.


Speaking via his podcast, the Hall Of Famer told fans watching/listening that KO does the same "crazy sh*t" that helped turn Mick into a firm favourite with fans. Then, Flair revealed that he approached Kevin backstage to ask if WWE was paying him properly for his work.


Owens confirmed that "they are", which came as a relief to Ric - he didn't want to think that the company was shortchanging KO for his efforts. However, it's unclear exactly which spots Flair is referring to when he says "crazy sh*t".

He didn't go in-depth on that, but instead likened Kev's style to Mick's generally.


After speaking to Owens, Flair also claims he said: "Good. Don’t be afraid, and don’t be shy to ask because nobody else is going to do that sh*t!". Again, it isn't crystal what he's talking about here. KO hasn't exactly been hurling himself off Hell In A Cell cages recently, or going through flaming tables.

Ric thinks that Owens is the second coming of Foley though.
