Ricky Starks In Contact With This WWE Superstar "On A Daily Basis"

WWE main eventer offering daily valuable advice to 'Absolute'

By Michael Hamflett /


Ricky Starks and Cody Rhodes talk on a "daily basis", according to the former, with Rhodes commenting directly on Starks recent run against AEW World Heavyweight Champion MJF.


That's per 'Absolute' himself, who spoke about 'The American Nightmare' during an interview with Comicbook.com. He said (h/t WrestlingInc);

"He sent me a text, a very nice text [after receiving a shot at MJF's title]...That's a guy that's always in my corner and vice versa. I think to see me in that moment, hopefully, I did him proud. He didn't outright say it, but that's Cody for you. I hope I did him proud. I still talk to him on a daily basis. I'll ask him for advice. He's just a good, good, good guy to have, if not just for a friendship."

Starks' June 11th 2020 TNT Championship match with Rhodes was credited as being the contest that earned him his spot in All Elite Wrestling altogether. Champion defeated Challenger that night, but Starks went on to feature prominently with the company from then on. The two wrestled in tag matches against one another later in the year after Starks had linked up with Brian Cage as part of Team Taz.
