Seth Rollins Credits Joey Mercury For Saving His WWE Career

Mercury has been vital in Rollins' rise to the top.

By John Canton /

WWE Champion Seth Rollins credits one of his on screen J&J Security members, Joey Mercury, for saving his career in WWE. Rollins explained it during a Wizard World Q&A session recently in St. Louis:
€œJoey Mercury saved my life. He helped lay everything out for me, where I was heading, and put me on the right path. He was like the fourth Shield member.€
The reason Rollins brought up Mercury is because he was asked about adjusting to life in WWE with Rollins saying that it took him a while to figure things out in developmental because he thought he was better than everybody else. If he kept thinking that way, he would have lost his job and it was Mercury that steered him in the right direction. Rollins was brought in to WWE with a lot of fanfare because he was well known as Tyler Black from Ring of Honor and he had a right to be cocky because he was better than most guys in development. It just took him a few years to get to the main roster because he had to learn some things along the way. Mercury has had a lot of success as a producer in WWE. Rollins and his other Shied member buddies Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns have also credited Mercury for working closely with The Shield from when they were in NXT to their debuts on the main roster in 2012 and he's still heavily involved in their work today. As for a Shield reunion, Rollins said it's probably going to happen one day, which is similar to what Reigns said recently as well.