Sin Cara Returns WWE Smackdown Last Night With Red & White Attire

His comeback match was against Heath Slater and was taped as the first match of the show.

By Matt Holmes /

Sin Cara (Mistico) made his long-awaited return at last night's WWE Friday Night SmackDown tv tapings in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His comeback match was against Heath Slater and was taped as the first match of the show. The contest was said to be decent with no botched spots and that Cara hardly looked rusty at all. This was Sin Cara's first in-ring action since he suffered a patella tendon rupture at the Survivor Series 2011 PPV in Madison Square Garden last November. His injury came during his ring entrance jump and flip into the ring and he had to be eliminated early in the traditional Survivor Series match and carried to the back. His original injury prognosis was 6-9 months of absence, Cara actually recovering in just over six months. Reports from those who attended last night's tapings suggest that Sin Cara was wearing a brand new red and white attire and he also came to the ring with a new pyro. No images have yet emerged onto the web of Sin Cara's new look.