Stone Cold Steve Austin Not Happy With John Cena

The new Cena stunner isn't going down well with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

By Grahame Herbert /

Stone Cold Steve Austin is unhappy with John Cena using the stunner as a mid-match WWE move. Austin used his own podcast to express some concerns over Cena's variant of a second rope springboard stunner. The move first caught fans attention at WrestleMania 31, when Cena bounced off the second rope to hit a stunner on Rusev. The announcers immediately acknowledged it as a "stunner", although some fans have also theorised that it was a botch that Cena worked into a stunner. Cena has used the move heavily since and worked it into nearly all of his matches, including this past week on Raw against Bad News Barrett. He's already done it to death, which should never be the case with any sort of special spot. Busting it out so often in such a small period has diluted any larger meaning it could have had. Austin on his podcast seemed offended by Cena using the move, at least to some extent. The term "gimmick infringement" was brought up on more than one occasion. Austin also expressed concern that the springboard element could make the stunner unnecessarily dangerous. If Austin is coming back for a match next year at WrestleMania 32, perhaps WWE could spin this whole thing to create some narrative with Cena. That's definitely one of the matches that Austin would view as worth returning for.