Stone Cold Steve Austin To Cesaro "F*** All The Politics" In WWE

Austin shoots on WWE's treatment of Cesaro.

By Grahame Herbert /

Stone Cold Steve Austin has had his say on WWE and Cesaro, shooting €œTime for this guy to come back both guns blazing. F**k all of the politics. I€™m going to the top.€ Austin was speaking on his latest podcast, expressing disappointment at Cesaro's current injury lay-off. Austin himself is no stranger to injuries, and said that Cesaro should use this time to come up with ideas to re-invent himself. That was one of Austin's strong points, he was always coming up with creative ideas for his Rattlesnake character. He came up with "Stone Cold" when sat at home and frustrated with his Ringmaster gimmick. Cesaro could do the same, although it is a different generation, getting an idea to creative and Vince McMahon isn't as easy. Austin feels like Cesaro deserves better, saying that WWE should "give him the ball" and let him run with it. He said that Cesaro has been "lost in the shuffle" and needs to come back with insistence on getting a push. The "f*** all of the politics" comment is a definite dig at WWE, which Austin perhaps feels has held Cesaro back. However, Austin should really acknowledge the Cesaro's own failings. As great an in-ring worker as he is, his charisma is severely lacking. His promos aren't great and he has a bit of the Benoit problem in that area, his lack of confidence in the mic game may always hold him back.