Tag Match Set For Next Week's WWE Raw

Former tag champs to face two superstars on behalf of their friend.

By Scott Carlson /


Alpha Academy will have their hands full next week when they will tangle with Johnny Gargano and Kevin Owens on Raw.


The match came about when the Alphas confronted Gargano backstage for interjecting himself into the match between Owens and the Academy's personal friend Austin Theory. Johnny Wrestling grabbed Theory's Money in the Bank briefcase before he could use it against KO. That distraction proved enough for Owens to regain control and pick up the win.

Chad Gable talked himself into the match by warning Gargano (who defeated him last week) about how there's strength in numbers, which was Owens' cue to show up and back him up. After a bit of back-and-forth, they agreed to match, with KO pointing out that he already had defeated Gable once in Canada, and they would be there next week as well.


Owens and Gargano have teamed together once in their careers, in a 2013 match for Westside Xtreme Wrestling.


This could be a really fun match, and there's probably a good chance Theory won't pass up the opportunity to make life difficult for his two main rivals.