The CM Punk Movement Was Over Before It Began

Summer Of Punk, Fall Of Man, Winter Of Discontent.

By Michael Hamflett /


This won't be another piece lamenting the failed efforts - and "efforts" is generous - of WWE to effectively market and monetise CM Punk in the aftermath of a promo that briefly shook the foundations of the pro wrestling industry.


Not entirely, anyway.

His 27th June 2011 "Pipe Bomb" farewell-and-f*ck-you missive remains ingrained in the hearts and minds of all that watched, jaws agape, as he sold the entire g*ddamn world on his upcoming Money In The Bank main event with John Cena. He blistered the a*se of a company that had deserved it for a long time, but it was a verbal sh*tkicking wrapped in a sales pitch. It's often touted as one of the all-time great promos, but rarely is Punk credited for never losing sight of the modus operandi. Bark, promote, sell.


This wasn't talking for talking's sake or filling television time. This enhanced a pay-per-view more effectively than just about anything WWE had attempted since their creative and commercial peak a decade prior. And assuming everything he's ever said about the event is true, this was an opportunity to get a lot off his chest as he prepared to leave the company behind.

He was trying to say goodbye, but by the very nature of the speech, he was already lining up a golden hello.
