The Undertaker's 10 Best Biker Matches

Don your bandanas and enjoy these underrated gems.

By Tom Marriott /

When The Undertaker returned from a torn pectoral muscle at Judgment Day 2000, fans were introduced to one of the most drastic departures from an established character in recent history.


Gone were the pseudo supernatural overtones, Satanic imagery of The Ministry and clouds of morbid mystery. In their place, we were presented with Harley Davidsons, copious amounts of denim, and bandanas.

For the next four years, The Undertaker added new moves to his arsenal, improved his selling and, to paraphrase the great man himself, made more than a few people famous.

The Undertaker’s runs as The American Bad Ass and Big Evil between 2000 and 2004 are often touted as missteps in The Phenom's career, better left forgotten or glossed over in favour of the more familiar Dead Man persona. With all the flack the biker phase has received, it is easy to overlook the amazing work he did. With stars such as Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and The Rock enjoying their prime years, The Undertaker delivered some unforgettable performances that could easily challenge those from his early days and recent resurgence.

Rev up your engines for 10 of the best matches featuring Biker Taker...

10. Six Man Hell In A Cell (Armageddon 2000)

You only need to look at the names in this match to know all you need to about its quality, though you may have to squint when it comes to Rikishi. With a bona-fide who’s who of WWE at the time in the ring, this match is a frantic, non-stop spectacle of brawling, psychology, and wrestling skill.


Taking place only a couple of months into Kurt Angle's first WWE title reign, the match was designed to solidify him as a credible champion after surviving the wrath of the other men.

'Taker was booked to be a Cell expert, effortlessly tossing Rikishi off the roof into a well-placed truck bed full of sawdust and crash-mats, in a move that only added to his ruthless legacy within the structure. For all the talent in the ring and marquee names, Undertaker stood out due to that history. Fans salivated at the prospect of the former Dead Man going back in the Cell, with anticipation of another memorable spot palpable.

Anyone watching the match at the time, or going back today with virgin eyes, cannot be disappointed. For its relentless pace, brawling action and overlapping stories, this match is a must see.
