TNA Close To Announcing New Television Deal

It's rumored that the company could make an announcement as soon as this week.

By Douglas Scarpa /

Four networks have expressed interest in acquiring TNA's Impact television program, reports WrestleZone. TNA's flagship wrestling product came dangerously close to being without a home some months ago, as it was announced that Spike TV was reportedly uninterested in negotiating a new contract with the wrestling organization. As such, Impact was set to become homeless. However, TNA worked out a temporary deal with Spike that will see Impact remain on the network through the end of the year. In the meantime, Spike has officially stated that negotiations were ongoing -- although this is believed to simply be a courtesy on Spike€™s behalf. TNA has been in talks with a handful of other networks in the interim, however. The two networks to have been named are Velocity and WGN America. Obviously, of those two, WGN America is the better option, as it has a bit of a wider reach than the niche Velocity channel. However, one of the other interested parties is rumored to be an even larger entity than Spike TV. If this is true, it could mean potentially great things for TNA Wrestling. Regardless of where TNA and its Impact program ends up, they need to find a home and fast. According to several sources, TNA is close to making an official announcement about Impact€™s future with a new network. While it€™s currently unclear if a deal has been reached and a contract signed, speculation is that TNA could make an official announcement as soon as this week. If that€™s the case, then that is a good sign for the organization -- although they may hold the announcement off until closer to Bound for Glory. At this time, speculation points to TNA joining the WGN America family. TNA President Dixie Carter added to the rumors with a tweet sent on September 10th. According to the statement, Dixie was in Chicago -- the home of WGN America. Furthermore, Jason Hervey -- co-founder of Bischoff/Hervey Entertainment, which still produces TNA's programming -- tweeted a photo of himself at WGN America's headquarters. He tagged not only BHE but also Eric Bischoff, before noting that "big things happening." While these tweets do not confirm anything, they do add fuel to the fire. It will be interesting to see what comes of TNA€™s future and their rumored television announcement. Has TNA signed a deal to air Impact on a new network? Or, is the company a lost cause that should be abandoned? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.