TNA Impact: Looking At The "Hero Worship" Edition

By Paul Jordan /

This week's Impact from Indiana, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh saw the roster pairing up together in a lot of different ways. Everyone seemed to be uniting in the cause of getting rid of Aces and Eights. However, was it full of outrageous fortune or did it not come together in the end? The show began where we left off last week with aces and eights running roughshod over security and superstars alike. After, getting in the building The first victim was James Storm, who congratulated AJ styles on his new finisher family the rather un-phenomenal named Calf Killer. (I guess it's the baby version of Cattle Mutilation). Storm then proceeds to call out the Aces and Eights instead Bad Influence comes out and appeals to AJ about forming Fortune again and going against Aces and Eights. This leads to a fight between the two in which Daniels and Kaz get taken out and the club shows up and beats down the Cowboy, Jason Parks attempts to come to make the save, but feels that 3-D instead. Then they go to commercial break face and come back to see all the faces being carried out Joseph Park on a stretcher€ Bully then proceeds to repeat once again that there are no more heroes for TNA. This leads to a challenge later in the night for Hogan to meet him later in the night. All in all, not a bad opening segment as it played into the narrative of the show going forward. One thing, I think is a little overused at this point is the Hogan can't fight so let's play up the drama aspect. I know this is probably leading to a match soon, but at this point Hogan just be a figurehead nothing more. It seems like they do the storyline every few months.. The action begins with the first of two knockouts matches as the hot mess Taryn Terrel battles the Dennis Stamp of the Knockouts Division, Tara. Not a bad match as Terrel showed a lot and Tara made her look less like a hot mess and more like a credible competitor in the ring with a victory. Not sure, Taz was so focused on whether ODB was sober or not? Robbie E is backstage talking up Jesse (seems to be breaking away from his main squeeze Tara) and his match with Rob Terry. I can see these two being the new East-West Connection. Let's face it, we need a lot more tag teams. Terry proves victorious obliterating Jesse as he continues his rampage on the roster. Kazarian and Daniels interact with the Bobby Roode about reforming Fortune saying screw James Storm they will take care of business. Bobby looks rather ambivalent as his tag partner Austin Aries is listening at the door. Overall, I like with this did as it played into the tag title match a little bit later. It brought back to dynamic of those two and competition which has been sorely lacking in a few weeks. Daniels and Kazarian cause them to lose their tag team title shot against Hernandes and Chavo. I honestly feel like at a certain point, Bobby Roode will get turned on by Aries who will join Bad Influence. Matt Morgan had a showdown with Hogan who offered his services for a price that the Impact General Manager wasn't willing to pay. They've been building that storyline for months and I don't know when they're going to pay it off. Instead, the fifty-nine-year-old Hogan decides to go in the ring alone against the Aces and Eights. Smart. Another longtime storyline that had no real payoff was the long heel turn of Mickie James, which seems to be long and drawn out. While hard-core country feels more aggressive seems to be never coming. I was fully expecting Mickie attack her leg after the match considering how much she was attacking it. As for the match itself. It was good. They tried to really use the psychology of the knee tell a story and get Velvet over as a fighting champion. Although that finish was a little bit awkward as the leader of the Pigeon Army almost flew the coop with that small package. I was really surprised to see the Knockouts match be the main event match of the night. Before we get to the main event segment of the night, I want to talk about X Division and the return of Chris Sabin for a minute. First, I have to say that the package for Sabin felt a little over while and as they make him seem like he was the next coming of Jesus. I like Sabin€ But that's a little much. Will this lead to the end of Kenny King's title reign as they would want a feel-good moment for his return next week. Another thing, TNA has a fan vote after Chris Sabin makes his return to the X Division next week, on who should be added in the three-way dance for the title when Impact Wrestling comes to Tampa in two weeks. And the choices are Rashad Cameron, Rockstar Spud and Suicide. I wonder who's going to be in the Suicide gear this time? Nothing against those guys, I was hoping for a little bit more of creativity when it comes to names being brought in. Also, they announced that there were rumors that Jeff Hardy might walk away from wrestling. Do we have to do that storyline again? Can't he just go away off TV and then surprisingly return why did we have to always tease retirement these days. Nobody believes it, especially when you have guys like Sting and Hogan in your main event segment. The ending segment was what you probably expect Hogan getting the better of Bully Ray. Aces and Eights surround the ring and looks to attack when the lights go out and Sting appears. After some hesitation on all sides the Icon dismantles the biker gang single-handedly as he keeps Hogan at a distance. So let me get this straight we have two characters that are loners that are basically the same guy. Not the strongest episode, I am sad to say but there was solid stuff from Bad Influence, especially Daniels on commentary. Other than that everything was just there.