TNA Talent Protest Scott D'Amore Firing In Letter To Bosses

Talent want Anthem to bring Scott D'Amore back and "reunite this family once again."

By Michael Hamflett /

In another twist to the Scott D'Amore/TNA tale, company talent have issued a letter to parent company Anthem going into significant detail expressing their sadness over the former President.


In a letter addressed to Anthem Sports & Entertainment CEO Leonard Asper, the talent called for - amongst other things - the return of Scott D'Amore as the "wrestling" person the company to "protect the present and the future of TNA/Impact for you, for Anthem, for the fans, and for professional wrestlers", with lengthy passages on all the ways in which he helped the talent in every aspect of the job. His February 7th firing came as a total shock to talent and the wider wrestling space following the TNA rebrand and D'Amore's public and private involvement in the shift back to the brand.


The full letter can be viewed below this story. Fightful Select were granted access to it, and after followed up on the report by noting that;

"Those that we've spoken to have actually spoke well of Anthony Cicione as a person, but there are concerns about his lack of experience connected to wrestling. We're told the closest he has to wrestling knowledge was helping WWE with The Score when he ran that channel."

D'Amore had been in and out of the group in multiple roles during its multiple iterations since 2003, and had been back full time since 2017. He was promoted to President in 2023 and was the public face of the well-received TNA rebrand.


The letter in full:

Len and Scott,
"TNA/Impact is not just our employer and the company for which we work. It is a family. A family that each of us has grown to love and cherish and trust with our bodies and our careers. A family for which we feel deeply and that desire, above all else, to protect."
"We are deeply saddened by the decision to remove Scott D’Amore from the TNA/Impact family. Scott is a brilliant wrestling mind that has guided this company and has it positioned to take the next step upward in our industry. Scott is also so much more than this. He is a trusted friend, confidant, teacher, advisor, brother, and mentor to so many within the TNA/Impact family. Scott has been the heart of the TNA/Impact family for over two decades. Len and Anthem have been instrumental in supporting and building this company back from the ground up. The contributions of Len and Anthem have never gone unnoticed by anyone in the company, and we want to make sure Len knows this. TNA, simply put, would not have survived without Len and Anthem. Not just financially, but with the undying faith in Scott and us to revive the company that was on the brink of death. Len and Anthem are the foundation that TNA has been able to build upon. We would not have made it back to this point without BOTH of you. The fans know this, and the TNA family knows this.We come to you to voice our concern for TNA/Impact, our family, and its future and direction. We, like you, wish to safeguard what we have all worked and sweat and bled for to build. We want TNA/Impact to continue grow and to continue to be an enviable place for all professional wrestlers to work.
"We understand and appreciate that professional wrestling, at its core, is a business, and that the company must provide a fiscally responsible, financially viable product. At the same time, professional wrestling is uniquely situated. The business of professional wrestling is so much more than balance sheets, downloads, and ratings. The wrestling business is and must be its people, its characters, and its storylines. That is to say, there is no wrestling business without the wrestling creative vision and the right people bringing the creative vision to life.To thrive, a wrestling company must have both an eye toward business decisions, and its fingers on the pulse of creative decisions and the ever-changing appetite of our fans. It is in light of this concern and our desire to uphold the high standards of TNA/Impact that we offer this letter."
"It is our desire to have a dialogue with you and with the company in an effort to protect the present and the future of TNA/Impact for you, for Anthem, for the fans, and for professional wrestlers. We feel strongly that a ‘wrestling person’ needs to be intimately involved at a high level to ensure that the amazing company we have all built and product we have provided to our fans continues to grow and flourish. It is our opinion that the best possible person for that role was, is, and will be Scott."
"We recognize that we do not necessarily know all the facts or details around the decision to remove Scott. In life there is always the rumors, the opinions, and, somewhere in between, the truth. We rarely get to know which is which. It remains our hope and desire that everyone can set aside the past few days and any hurt feelings or unkind words that may have been exchanged, and meet to discuss a path forward that preserves the TNA/Impact family we all hold so dearly. We remain steadfast and hopeful that this letter can be a first step to opening, and keeping open, productive lines of communication to ensure the TNA/Impact family continues to be a wonderful, unique place to work for years to come. We ask and implore you both to come together and create a resolution that will reunite this family once again."
"We look forward to hearing from you and continuing this dialogue. Signed, Your TNA Family"