Top Tag-Team SPLITS UP On WWE SmackDown!

Triple H just booked a major split angle for this popular WWE team on SmackDown.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Anyone harbouring hopes that R-KO might beat The Bloodline to become tag champs would've been shocked to see the team split up on this week's episode of SmackDown. The rift was brought about by Kevin Owens and his recent actions.


Owens gatecrashed Friday's show despite clearly being in the bad books for attacking Cody Rhodes in the parking lot after last weekend's Bad Blood PLE. That storyline continued with KO's mic cutting out before he accidentally struck Orton (who had come out to calm him down).


All bets were off after that.

Randy was booked to get angry, but things had calmed down slightly midway through the broadcast. That's when Kev ambushed Orton backstage much the same way he had Cody - that's a wrap on this R-KO business, people.


WWE are running with the idea that KO believes his friends are turning on him, not the other way around. In storyline, that won't wash with Rhodes or Randy. They'll point out that Owens has been the aggressor due to Cody teaming with Roman Reigns.

The plot thickens.
