Triple H Looking To Make "Creative Splash" At WWE SummerSlam 2022

It sounds like Triple H has eyes on making a major creative impact with SummerSlam 2022.

By Andy H Murray /


SummerSlam 2022 could be Triple H's coming out party as WWE's head of creative.


WrestleVotes reports that the Executive Vice President has eyes on making a "creative splash" at the premium live event, which takes place in Nashville, Tennessee this Saturday (30 July). Triple H will only do so if it makes sense, however.

Per the report:-

With SummerSlam being his real first show in total control, source says Triple H would like to make a creative splash at the event, HOWEVER- only if it’s makes sense. Won’t just do something to do it. How about that change of pace, already.

Triple H was formally announced as WWE's new head of creative on Monday. This followed Vince McMahon's shock resignation as the company's CEO and Chairman last Friday, which saw the 76-year-old relinquish all day-to-day duties, including his final say on WWE's televised output.

Realistically, SummerSlam may be Triple H's first opportunity to stamp his creativity on WWE. This week's Raw was largely penned by Vince pre-retirement. Additionally, that WWE was on the final week of an important premium live event cycle when Hunter took the pencil made immediate, swooping changes difficult, with established storylines, arcs, and character dynamics to be blown off at the weekend.


Hopes remain high for Triple H as WWE head of creative, inside the company and out.