Triple H Orders WWE Championship Belt Design Changes?

Is Triple H set to further change the WWE game in the coming months?

By Gareth Morgan /


Triple H looks set to change up some of WWE's championship belt designs soon.


That's according to long-time title strap designer @BeltFanDan, with Dan taking to Twitter yesterday to reveal, "Rumor mill says Triple H making numerous belt design changes."

Dan Beltzer has been at the centre of a number of designs for a whole host of wrestling promotions, with the strap-maker also being responsible for breaking similar title design related stories in the past, too. That being said, it's still not 100% clear which titles would be given a fresh lick of paint or completely changed-up if said Triple H WWE championship design alteration rumour is true.

It's safe to say that more than a few fans would be happy to see the company bin off some of its current, uninspired strap designs, with the likes of the lacklustre Universal Championship being little more than a slightly more colourful alternative to the WWE Championship, for example.


And with WWE on the verge of crowning a new pair of Women's Tag Team Champions, whilst also putting a much-needed focus back on the mid-card United States and Intercontinental titles, there's every chance The Game could decide to unveil some exciting new pieces of gold for those carrying said belts before long.