Ultimate Warrior's 11 Losses - From Cleanest To Screwiest

Not to bait you, but you REALLY won't believe how Sgt. Slaughter beat the Warrior at house shows...

By Michael Sidgwick /

There's an asterisk to that number. In wrestling, there always is.


The Dingo Warrior's losses aren't considered here, though he did the odd job in Texas. The Ultimate Warrior left the WWE as an active competitor in 1996, by which time he had accrued a win percentage of 89.3617%. He lost more than the 11 times listed in the following article, but it seems rather cheeky to list his 1991 house show run with Sgt. Slaughter in several separate entries to extract the maximum ad revenue. You'd just see the same text copied and pasted over and over again because they worked the same match every night. Despite this being WWE's method of booking Monday Night RAW in 2020, you would complain like hypocrites were that applied here. It's one rule for a billionaire despot, quite another for a bespectacled pencil-necked geek on the internet.

The Ultimate Warrior did not lose.

Losing is for the weak! Losing is for the marginalised, who are positioned to lose! Losing is a disgrace to the power of destrucity, or whatever the f*ck my insane bullsh*t was called!

The Ultimate Warrior enjoyed a unique path in wrestling. A body guy in an era of body guys swiftly recruited by Vince McMahon, he didn't like to lose and Vince rarely allowed him to lose. He wouldn't even job to Santa Claus.

But he did job to...

11. Vs. André The Giant - House Show April 3 1988

Shrouded in urban legend, the patchy record-keeping of professional wrestling does however nail a specific date on which the Ultimate Warrior lost just one of two indisputably clean WWF (or indeed any) matches since his repackage from the Dingo Warrior persona: April 3, 1988.


But how?

Message board whispers suggest that André simply sat on Warrior for the three count. This rumour might be informed by the fandom's knowledge of André's later years, in which he was barely capable of doing anything, much less sitting back up. His condition at the time lends itself to conjecture.

"I heard that he took a sh*t on 'im, too!"

Promoted in Cesena, Italy, the very reputable and knowledgeable Chris Harrington - who serves now as All Elite Wrestling's Vice President - revealed that André kicked Warrior in the face en route to victory.

Both accounts are true. Held a year after WrestleMania III, astonishingly, the Giant defeated Warrior with a big boot.

Sort of.

André won, technically, with the same cut-off spot you see on every wrestling TV show most weeks. Warrior sprinted into him in the corner, André raised his foot, and Warrior fell to the ground. Too far gone to execute the sit-down splash, he used the ropes to ease himself down slightly.

Clean rating: Nowhere near the taps, brother!
