Vince McMahon Puts New Rule In Place For ALL WWE TV Matches

Let's see how long it is before Vinny Mac changes his mind on this latest idea...

By Andrew Pollard /

Tired of seeing cold matches thrown together on WWE TV for no particular reason? If so, you could well soon be in luck.


As per Ringside News, Vince McMahon is said to have put a new unwritten rule in place that WWE programming will have no more cold matches. Instead, McMahon wants every match to take place for a reason and as part of a larger story – not just a wrestling match for the sake of putting on a wrestling match.

Last night’s Jeff Hardy vs. Cedric Alexander contest is believed to have played out the way it did as part of this latest Vince edict. Giving the match the stipulation of Hardy retiring if he lost was part of making the bout matter and having a story at play.


Of course, we all know how Vince McMahon changes his mind on a scarily frequent basis, and it’ll be interesting to see if this latest McMahon decision lasts as long as, say, the company's Wild Card rule, the Brand-to-Brand Invitation concept or the ill-conceived idea to have 2-out-of-3 Falls offerings every single week.