Vince McMahon To Take Legal Action Against CM Punk For WWE Walkout?

Phil Brooks may not be out of the woods just yet...

By Jack Morrell /

Last week saw Phil Brooks' contract expire with WWE, and his profile moved to the company's alumni page on With his recent red carpet interview at the AP Music Awards cheekily announcing to the world that he would never (ever, EVER) return to the company that practically made him a household name, professional wrestling fans in general finally had to bite the bullet and admit it€ the CM Punk and WWE story was well and truly finished. Or is it? Professional wrestling's uber-pundit Dave Meltzer seems to think that there's still the threat of legal action hanging over Brooks' head. On yesterday's subscriber-only Wrestling Observer Radio show, he advised:
"Right now there are definitely issues with WWE and CM Punk. WWE is not happy with the way this all went down. Nothings happened yet, but this is not, you know, you haven't heard anything and that would make you think his contract expired a couple of days ago and you think, well, this is a nice smooth ending. From WWE's standpoint, they haven't made a move yet, but there's certainly the threat that it's happening and this may not be smooth."

It may be that action hasn't been taken up until now because Vince McMahon still thought he had a shot at convincing Punk to return to action. But with Punk apparently resurfacing and making public statements about his retirement (including a casual reference to staph infections and concussions that can't have gone down well), the powers that be at WWE are not happy in the slightest.


We can't see how legal action of any kind is going to make things better for WWE in the long or short term here, but the McMahons aren't exactly known for their shy and retiring natures...