Wardlow Announced For AEW

Vignette announced arrival of massive newcomer.

By Benjamin Richardson /


We learned the identity of a new addition to the AEW roster during All Out's Buy In pre-show tonight: the towering, Terminator-esque Wardlow.


A Lucha Underground-like vignette demonstrated a beefy figure utterly dispatching of a series of thugs in a car park, in a fashion vaguely reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger. After one final chokeslam to the last hooligan, an on-screen graphic announced the newcomer's name.

A woman was besides Wardlow throughout the skit, though her identity - or whether she is set to accompany him in AEW - was not revealed.


Shortly after the vignette, AEW officially announced their newest man via a Twitter post - name dropping his position as Revenge Pro Wrestling's top champion. The Cleveland, OH native has also previously starred in independent promotions IWC and NEW, amongst others.