What Does TNA Consistently Get Right?

After this past Sunday's Destination X PPV, critics and fans alike have been singing the praises of TNA's July offering.

By Lee Heir /

After this past Sunday's Destination X PPV, critics and fans alike have been singing the praises of TNA's July offering. It was warranted as well, with much if not all of the card being extremely entertaining viewing, even if some of the Wrestlers on the card were not established characters with the TNA viewers. Since TNA went live with Impact Wrestling at the end of May, the general reception to the show amongst regular viewers seems to have been improving by the week. Stories have been coherent and easy to follow, tournament standings have been well covered throughout the shows and the Championships have been made to seem the most important aspect of the promotion. Judging by Twitter reaction to Destination X, which was still a Worldwide trend 12 hours after the event finished, it seems many Professional Wrestling fans preferred the smaller company's showing against WWE's Raw show the following night leading into their own upcoming PPV. In fact, a large number of tweets after Raw referenced the TNA PPV and stated it to be the more favoured in the comparison. With so many praising Destination X, it is interesting to look at what TNA did right with it's booking both during and leading up to the PPV. Although the company and it's product have had their detractors in the past, and many would agree rightfully so, it can also be seen that there is plenty the company has been consistent with over their 10 years of existence, and a lot of these were all brought together successfully in the overall Destination X package. So what are the areas TNA has tended to perform in over the years that came together for the well received event?

The X Division

Obviously the primary focus of the Destination X PPV, the X Division is something that built the TNA brand. Wrestlers like AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe are synonymous with the division and really helped push it in the early days of TNA's TV deals and monthly PPV's. There have been slight down times in the division over the years, but there has always been a focus on the Championship no matter what light it was portrayed in. Through Austin Aries ascension over the last 12 months it achieved prominence again, and with some interesting booking going into the PPV giving the current Champion the opportunity to move up to the World Heavyweight Championship scene, it really gave the Championship and the division a level of prestige and importance. When comparing this to WWE's Intercontinental and United States Champions, where the perceived gap between these and the World and WWE Championships is so large, TNA have seemingly been very successful in establishing their secondary title.