What Kofi Kingston WWE Moment Will Big E Never Forget?

No, it's not Kofi winning the WWE Title - it's something else...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Big E almost cried tears of happiness when Kofi Kingston became WWE Champion at WrestleMania 35 in 2019, but he says that's not the moment that best-defines his friend.


During an interview with The Sun, E recalled standing backstage with his New Day brethren before working against The Usos at Hell In A Cell 2017. The group had a rotation system going for big matches, and it was Kofi's turn to work the pay-per-view bout.

He pulled Xavier Woods aside and told him he knew how much working a HIAC match would mean to him personally, then Kofi revealed that he wanted his pal to replace him for the night. The trio hugged, and E's heart swelled with pride when he looked over at Kingston with a smile.


Kofi had selflessly taken himself out of the pay day so that Woods could have his moment.

E said this is something Kingston has done countless times without making a big deal out of it. Most people watching wouldn't even have known that Kofi was supposed to work with him against The Usos.


Kofi Kingston, eh? What a gent.