What Matt Riddle Told WWE About "Calling Out" Brock Lesnar

A promise made, but will it be a promise kept?

By Jamie Kennedy /


Matt Riddle opened up on backstage conversations with WWE about Brock Lesnar during an appearance on Corey Graves' 'After The Bell' podcast.


SmackDown's newest sensation admitted that the company did tell him to stop publicly talking about Lesnar, but then he revealed how that chat ended. According to Riddle, he told WWE that he still "wants it" and is "not going to go away".

His plan is to become a big enough star that both the company and Brock himself come back to him and agree to a match between the pair. These were his very words...

"I’m going to make myself valuable enough until the money is on the table and he’s like, it’s worth it".

Riddle, who also ragged on Hall Of Famer Bill Goldberg for not being his "cup of tea" during the interview, clearly wants a match with Lesnar more than anything else. It's wise that he decided to shut up about things in the media, but...'After The Bell' is media.

What's more, it's controlled by WWE, and there's no way they would've let this comment slip the editing process if they didn't want people to hear it.


The plot thickens.