Which WWE Star "Lost" Themselves During A 2019 Hiatus?

This WWE star was keen to "re-find love" for the company and their character...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Sasha Banks has revealed that she "lost" herself during a 2019 hiatus from WWE.


During an interview with Bleacher Report, Sasha said it took some time before she was able to "re-find my love and re-find my passion and re-find what I wanted in life". A break from WWE's hectic road schedule gave her some time to breathe and let Banks get back in step with her goals.

Interestingly, the current SmackDown Women's Champion said that she'd been "playing Sasha Banks" for so long that she lost touch with her real self. She added that she somehow "forgot that Mercedes (her real name) created Sasha Banks, and that "Mercedes had that dream of becoming a wrestler" in the first place.


Her sabbatical helped Banks refocus, and she couldn't wait to get stuck back into WWE life after some time away.

Sasha singled out her union with Bayley and their resultant feud as something that has made her feel "amazing" again. She feels like she's on top form, and credits her time away for putting everything into perspective.


Long may it continue, because Banks is very important to the women's division.