Who Won The Ring Of Honor World Title At ROH Final Battle 2022?

Did Claudio dethrone The Ocho? Or will he have to join the Jericho Appreciation Society?

By Scott Carlson /


Claudio Castagnoli restored honor to the Ring of Honor World Championship Saturday, defeating Chris Jericho at Final Battle to recapture the title.


The match carried the extra stipulation that Claudio would have have to join the Jericho Appreciation Society if he lost, with the group threatening to turn him into a yodeler as part of becoming a sports entertainer. Thankfully, that won't come to pass.

Since beating Castagnoli for the ROH Title at AEW Grand Slam in September, Jericho has made it his mission to humble every former Ring of Honor champion, defeating the likes of Colt Cabana, Bandido, Tomohiro Ishii, Bryan Danielson and Dalton Castle. He also attacked ROH personnel such as ring announcer Bobby Cruise and commentator Ian Riccaboni.


Claudio ended the reign of terror at Final Battle, forcing a tap-out from Jericho after a Giant Swing that lasted more than a half-minute.

The win gives Castagnoli his second World title reign and leaves Jericho searching for a new gimmick with the end of "The Ocho".
