Why Keith Lee's First WWE Appearance Was Unintentionally Hilarious

NXT's finest confused the hell out of Vince McMahon...

By Jamie Kennedy /

WWE Network

Keith Lee told Lilian Garcia's 'Chasing Glory' podcast that he confused the hell out of Vince McMahon during his very first WWE appearance.


No, the boss wasn't flummoxed about why the current NXT North American Champion wasn't on Raw or SmackDown - this happened way back in 2009 on the go home show before WrestleMania XXV. There, on the 30 March Raw, Lee worked as a security guard extra for a brawl segment pitting Vince, Shane and Triple H vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.

Earlier in the day, someone had mentioned to Keith that "it'd be great" if he bumped as soon as Vince threw his first punch. So, Lee did, and that left McMahon stumbling to find someone else to hit. If you watch the moment back on the Network, you'll spot Vince's confusion.


It's as hilarious as you might suspect.

Keith thinks Vince might've been shocked because he was the biggest guy in that made-up security detail, and he probably didn't expect such a large man to go down with one right hook to the jaw. Seconds later, Lee couldn't see anything for real because Shane McMahon thumbed him in the eye.


Everyone's gotta' start somewhere, eh?