Will Stone Cold Steve Austin Be On Raw? WWE Can't Make Their Mind Up

Back and forth saga over Austin's booking.

By Grahame Herbert /

WWE have gone back and forth over whether to feature Stone Cold Steve Austin on Raw this Monday. At some points they've advertised him for the show, and other points they've not adversed him. As recently as this weekend they were changing their minds. The latest preview doesn't have him appearing on Raw. However, he is still listed on the live events page. But he himself told a fan that he wouldn't be on Raw. Then WWE advertised again that he would be on Raw. Now there's this latest preview that doesn't feature him. The reason for the confusion could be down to WWE and Austin. He's notoriously fussy about television segments. If he's not happy with the creative or the purpose, then he has a history of saying he won't appear. However, he will be there to film his WWE Network podcast with Brock Lesnar. The other thing that could be going on is that WWE now want to keep Austin's Raw appearance a surprise, hence leaving him out of the preview. WWE are hoping for an improved rating this week on Raw. There'll be a host of other legends on the show, including The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Another theory is that Austin has maybe decided he doesn't want to be just another name in the shuffle.