William Regal Calls Overlooked WWE Wrestler "Magic And Special"

AEW's William Regal thinks WWE should've done more with this "special" talent.

By Jamie Kennedy /


AEW's William Regal has described former WWE star Damien Sandow as "one that got away".


Regal gushed with praise for Sandow on his 'Gentleman Villain' podcast by saying that the old 'Intellectual Saviour' gimmick should've led to bigger and better things for Damien in WWE circles. In fact, William figured Sandow would "have a job in wrestling at a higher level forever".

The ex-NXT GM and WWE talent scout/trainer was seriously impressed by how deftly Sandow mixed comedy with serious wrestling during his stint in old developmental territory FCW. He thought the character he'd developed was "magic" and called Sandow's in-ring skills "special".


Damien Sandow did experience some success in WWE circles. He enjoyed a Tag-Team Title run alongside The Miz, and won the 2013 Money In The Bank briefcase. Regrettably though, Sandow was booked to lose the case when he cashed in, and that failure would come to define his run.

Regal thinks that's a shame, because he definitely reckons Damien could've been more had WWE given him the chance. It wasn't to be though. Sandow eventually left the promotion in 2016 and hasn't been back.
