With John Cena Injured, How Will The Landscape Of The WWE Change?

By checkmatefiasco /

So, as we all now know, John Cena has had to undergo surgery to repair damage to his elbow, something which is quite a big deal in the world of professional wrestling. The damage, which Cena revealed to be a tear in his triceps, sees him sidelined for up to six months. Now, the WWE Universe are widely vocal when it comes to the former WWE Champion, and I'm sure it will be no different now, with Cena taking everything in from the comfort of his own home. We have seen for many years now a very mixed reaction to the sound of Cena's entrance music as it hits the TitanTron, to the extent that a passive fan would be severely confused as to what was going on. However, no matter how badly he would be jeered by the crowd, he would put on a brave, smiling face and still try and prove the fans wrong (and he's being doing this a loooooooong time now). Furthermore, his rise to the top of the WWE has been met with one big massive sigh. He is a record breaking champion, whether you like it or not, who has surpassed the greats of years gone by. But all that aside, how do the fans of the WWE really feel about Cena's injury? Some will tell you that it is a blessing in disguise. The current main event scene sees Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan in a war in which Triple H (and a new-look Corporation) holds an iron fist over the company, stamping out any form of revolt to this new regime. Prior to this years SummerSlam, the landscape of the company was as it has been for some time, with Cena at the helm as WWE champion, and the actions of the McMahon's and Triple H limited to bookings, GM firings and hirings, and so on. But at SummerSlam, it all changed for the better. Daniel Bryan fantastically beat John Cena in the main-event for the WWE title, in an outright contender for match of the year. The Staples Center was electric, as 'The Beard' overcame 'The Champ'; the arena flooded with confetti as it dropped down from the rafters, and finally, the WWE Universe were granted their wish with Bryan as champion. Daniel Bryan had finally reached the top of the mountain, and beat the champion emphatically. However, we were all waiting for something... something I've labelled the 'California Screw-job'. About a million WWE fans' faces around the globe turned sour, as Randy Orton's music boomed out in Los Angeles. It was an overwhelming sound, as the Apex Predator appeared at the top of the ramp, Money in the Bank briefcase in hand, whilst Bryan stood in the ring, clutching onto the one thing that his entire career was building up to. Will he/won't he? The question on everyone's lips. Orton slowly slithered down to the ring, and at that moment, you knew instantly why Triple H had involved himself in all of this. Seconds later, the COO of the WWE taps Bryan on the shoulder and before you could say 'NO! NO! NO!', Triple H hits Bryan with the patented Pedigree and hands the title to Randy Orton. And that moment, however obvious it may have been to some, has changed the direction of the company considerably; a passing of the torch from Vince McMahon to his son-in-law, a new era - The second coming of the McMahon-Helmsley faction. Thus far, it has been exciting to watch, and has allowed the WWE to take on a new chapter in its illustrious history. The die-hard Cena fans will be upset, but will accept that every once in a while a superstar sustains injuries. However, had Cena's injury happened further down the line, would we all still be talking about and questioning what Triple H thinks is 'best for business?' In my opinion, it may have taken a while longer for the WWE to integrate this angle which sees Triple H, Randy Orton and The Shield pummelling superstars left, right and centre. If Cena were eligible to carry on performing past SummerSlam, would he still be the champion? Would Randy have cashed it in regardless? There are so many possibilities that could have stemmed from SummerSlam in that regard. So, with Cena firmly out of the picture until roughly January or February of 2014, how will the WWE adapt without him? His time as the face of the WWE has been a long reign, and possibly one of the longest of all time. It's time to take a look at what could be be dominating RAW, Smackdown and beyond, for the next few months with Cena licking his wounds. (Note: These are ranked in no particular order.)