Wrestling News: John Cena Ties The Knot, WWE Using Recycled Footage & More (VIDE)

Adam Wilbourn and Andy H. Murray bring you today's daily news briefing.

By Andy H Murray /

Nathan Congelton/NBC News

Join WhatCulture's Andy H. Murray and Adam Wilbourn as they bring you Thursday's rundown of all the latest wrestling news.


Congratulations to WWE legend John Cena and his new wife, Shay Shariatzadeh, who were married on Tampa, FL earlier this week (00:33). The duo had been together for over a year before tying the knot, with rumours of their engagement first doing the rounds in February.

It turns out love isn't a work after all.


From there we switch to WWE's Capitol Wrestling Center, where the promotion have been accused of filling the video walls with recycled footage from past ThunderDome broadcasts (03:22), the camps. We talk Andrade after that (06:22), touching on everything you need to know about the man's future in WWE, before diverting over to AEW, where Matt Hardy has finally been cleared to compete again (09:05) after that scary, scary bump at All Out 2020. The Sammy Guevara feud isn't over, though.

As always, today's news video finishes with all your Twitter questions.


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