WWE: 10 Best Turns In WrestleMania History

By John Canton /

The reason WrestleMania is WWE's most important show is because more people tune in to that one show per year than anything else WWE puts on. People have been having WrestleMania parties for 30 years and making trips to go the big event because they know it's going to be a memorable night. Part of what makes it special are when the good guys go bad or the other way around. It's important that heel and face turns happen because if people stay in the same role forever it would get boring. When a tag team breaks it up, they usually do it so that one person goes the other way so that they can create a rivalry between the two competitors. Most of the time we can see it coming, but what we really care about is whether the turn is executed the right way. The better the turn is, the more memorable the moment. When a turn happens at WrestleMania, it just means more. People remember things that happen at WrestleMania better than they do any other event. It's always been that way and that won't ever change. Here's a look back at ten heel or face turns at WrestleMania that not only helped a match, but also helped performers become bigger stars.

10. Rick Martel At WrestleMania 5

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ch2s_rick-martel-walks-out-on-strike-for_news This is one of the earliest turns in WrestleMania history with Rick Martel putting an end to the babyface team he was part of called Strike Force. The Strike Force team was popular with the fans. Martel teamed with Tito Santana, who wrestled as a face for the majority of his career. They were tag team champions once and really had good chemistry together. Plus, they always wore the matching trunks and generally looked like a team. During their match against the Brain Busters, Tito was looking to tag in Martel after breaking free, but Martel refused to tag him in. He just walked away. The fans knew what it meant immediately and they hated it. A reason WWE was able to do it because in 1989 they had plenty of great tag teams, so breaking up a good team wasn't seen as a negative in the big picture. The main reason for the turn was to push Martel as a singles heel. He would eventually become "The Model" Rick Martel although neither he nor Santana was able to become a main eventer as a singles performer.