WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

How much did Yokozuna really weigh?

By Elliott Binks /

The world of professional wrestling is something of a circus. Over the years we€™ve seen it all; clowns, snakes, acrobats, magicians €“ even practitioners of voodoo magic. But perhaps the biggest attraction of the pro wrestling carnival (both literally and figuratively) has always been the super-heavyweights; the men of such colossal mass that it almost defies belief. For over half a century these behemoths have been a stable part of the industry€™s diet. From the journeyman days of the old wrestling territories, right up until today€™s modern era of sports entertainment €“ the bigger they are the larger they draw. But how heavy were these monsters exactly? And were they actually as large as they were claimed to be? This article runs through the ten heaviest wrestlers of all time, and looks to ascertain whether or not we were told the truth about their billed weights. Let's get started...