WWE: 10 Injuries With The Worst Timing Possible

By JV Vernola /

WWE fans see the warnings every time they pop in a DVD or video game: "Please, Do Not Try This At Home," (with each word in bold to emphasise how dangerous and inherently risky the world of sports entertainment can be!). The annoying warning has been a part of programming for years, sometimes followed by clips of the most gruesome injuries to ever take place inside the squared circle. While no injury ever comes at an opportune time, some injuries seem to come at a worse time than others, either killing a Superstar's momentum or ending a rivalry before it even had a chance to get started. Sometimes the injury is just a setback in the Superstar's career, other times it is far more destructive. Here we take a look at 10 WWE injuries with absolutely horrendous timing.

10. Edge Ruptures His Achilles' Tendon

At The Bash 2009, Edge and Chris Jericho were last minute entrants into a WWE Unified Tag Team Championship match against The Legacy and defending champions The Colóns. By the end of the thrilling contest, Edge and Jericho were the new champions. Less than a week later at a house show in San Diego, Edge ruptured his Achilles' Tendon in a match against Jeff Hardy, throwing a wrench in any plans WWE had for the team and leaving the creative team scrambling to find a replacement for Edge or scrap their plans entirely. The original prognosis was that Edge would be on the shelf for a year, with some speculating that he may never return. Exhibiting incredible tenacity as WWE Superstars often do, Edge returned in about six months time to win the Royal Rumble, setting up a World Heavyweight Championship match against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 26. While WWE was able to rebound from this generally unscathed (Jericho and Big Show would hold the tag championship until TLC that year) and even turn the injury into a main event at the biggest show of the year, any time a champion is injured, it's terrible timing. The WWE was lucky with this one.