WWE: 10 Legitimate Backstage Fights

By Grahame Herbert /

WWE fascinates audiences week in week out with its dramatic blend of athleticism, violence and drama. But what happens when that adrenaline spills over into real life? What happens when a WWE wrestler gets into a legitimate scrap with another performer? It happens more often than you would think. These guys spend nearly every waking hour of the working week in the company of their peers. The potential for clashing is huge in the stressful touring carnival like environment. A lot of the time these scuffles just blow over without leaking out, heated arguments and small fisticuffs are inevitable in an industry built on violence. However, every now and again, a fight is so shocking and generates so many "oohs" and "ahhs" that it spreads in infamy around the industry. Here we look at 10 legitimate backstage fights in the WWE... Honourable mention - Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon after Survivor Series 1997. It was less of a fight and more like a one punch stress relief from Bret to Vince. The WWF Chairman claimed that he "allowed" Bret to land a shot on him, as part of a way of offering his apology to Bret for "screwing" him in Montreal.